What a difference 2.5 years make. Hannah Marie was born September 15th 2009, just over 5 weeks ago. I got the little girl I secretly desperately wanted. The month I got pregnant was the month Soeren said he wanted to try for a second child. Although we had not been using any birth control since Erik was born Soeren wanted to try naturally - I started talking about IUI's after a few months. 4 weeks after that conversation I found out to my complete disbelief I was pregnant. We got pregnant completely on our own.
The baby boy whose pregnancy I had written about is now 3 years old. How did Erik get so big? How is it that toddler hood has completely fallen off him and he is now a little kid.
I can be done. We may want a third one day, but most likely we are done. If we decide to go for 3 and it doesn't happen I can be more then content with my beautiful 2. My boy and my girl. I would never have thought I would be so blessed.
I don't have to go back. Back to the pain I can only remember when I re-read my old posts. Infertility can now be my past. I never ever have to go back. Thank God.