Monday, January 23, 2006

Bedrest 4 weeks and 4 days into my pregnancy I am already on bedrest.

I called my dr. about the spotting I have been having and they told me it was completely normal, but to play it on the safe side, if it was possible bed rest for a couple days might help. It feels like so far that has been all I have been doing. From the time we came home on Friday night I have been lounging around the house.

Every day the spotting gets lighter and today there was almost none of it, but then suddenly there was some pink spotting, but I think it is almost gone again. So many people have told me in the past that spotting is completely normal, but I would prefer not to see it.

I am really anxious for my appointment on Feb 8th. I think seeing the heartbeat will really make me feel better.

Its weird how there are little changes. Like my breasts are getting a little bit sore. And I have been feeling this tugging sensation in my uterus, which is pretty cool. I get tired REALLY easily and get dizzy fairly easily too. I am getting a little quesy in the mornings after I eat.

It really is weird being pregnant. My life really did suddenly change, mostly because my family really doesn't want me to go to work in Mexico anymore. They want me to either work in our San Diego office or set up an office at home. I am already going stir crazy in my house and I loved working in Mexico. Of course my baby is my main concern, but work really used to be my life. Now my dad calls me if I feel up to making a phone call and stupid things like that, and I just want to scream that I am not an invalid. I can still do things, especially because my child is the size of a dot right now. I am thrilled to be pregnant, but I am just shocked at how many things have already changed. And as much as I try not to think about it, I am so scared I will lose this pregnancy.

I just want to be in the second trimester already, or least hear the heartbeat.


Larisa said...

Just want you to know that I'm thinking about you and hoping that this pregnancy sticks!

In Due Time said...

Keep off those feet honey, you deserve it! Better to be safe than sorry. *Hugs*

Lut C. said...

Keep repeating: so far so good, so far so good.
I wish you a worry-free PG.

Liz said...

I know how scary all this must be for you. Hope the wait won't be too stressful. Thinking of you and wishing you well.