Friday, December 23, 2005

The fear has set in

Okay, let me begin by saying that these posts of mine might be getting a bit redundent now.
I am slowly getting back on my feet, every cycle that fails is getting harder and harder each time now.

As the post title says it, fear has really set in. I have accepted that I am not pregnant. However it is really hitting home how close IVF is.

I have always been really oppossed to IVF ( for myself ). It's not from a religous percpective that bothers me. I don't know. I always ( well since last May ) assumed that IUI's would work.
The sheer thought of IVF has always scared me though.

One big thing is the money issue. It's so stupid really. I actually am making really good money now and ( knock on wood ) if my sales continue this way I should have no problem paying for IVF. In addition to that I do have a good size savings account, so money really shouldn't be an object. I feel so bad even writing that though. I know there are so many women out there who only wish they had the funds for IVF.

I guess I just never saw myself shelling out so much money for a baby. It's totally worth it, and if I got a written guarentee that if I wrote a check out for 20 grand I would get a baby in return I would do it in a heartbeat. I just hate that so many people get to have babies for free. They just have sex and thats it- baby. No shots, hormones, the lovely transvaginal ultrasounds, laying in stirrups with a dr shooting my dh sperm directly into my uterus. None of that. They don't spend hunders and hundreds of dollars every month.

I told my mom today that I think I would like my paycheck deposited directly to my Infertility Clinic.

I guess what I am realizing is that I have not yet accepted that my baby will not be concieved naturally. It's weird that I haven't gotten to that point yet, but yup, thats where I am.

I hate this feeling that I have to spend so much money for something people have for free. This also really relates to buying a house too. I would love to buy a house in my neighborhood. I don't live in a fancy area, but I do live in a safe area. I can walk my dog in the dark and not be worried whether I lock my door or not when I am home. 3 years ago the houses around me sold for about $300,000. They all go for around a million now. I fell that its unfair that a few years ago someone like me could afford to live here and I cannot. I work hard but I feel like it's not enough. I feel like I am drowning in the cost of living and a family.

My friends Michelle and Larissa have heard me complain about this a hundred times:) I live in San Diego, in a small rental condo/cottage/trying to be a house. There is no way in hell a baby will ever fit in here. My place is tiny! It's not worth it to spend more money on a bigger rental- we pay $1,160 as it is- and that is really cheap here.
If I want to rent a house I need to spend about $2000 a month on rent. I really want to be able to own a home when I have a baby. All of them money I have saved is earmarked for the purchase of a home. At the rate we are going, we may be able to afford a home next year.
Now, without question, I would take a baby over a house anyday. But for one thing, a house is a sure thing. If I put down $100,000 on a house I know I will get a house. If I put down the same amount for a baby- it's not a guarentee. And it scares me so much to think that I could shell out all this money and have a nurse call at the end of everything and tell me "sorry, it was negative".

Another fear of course is that I get the baby and have no money to move out of here. And I know that doing all this fertility stuff greatly increases my chances for multiples.
Seriously, I will have to have the crib in the bathroom and the changing table on the balcony.

I guess writing all this I realize it's money that I am scared of. Not really IVF. I think I would feel a lot differently about it if it was somehow free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well HELL YES you would feel differently if the DAMN insurance companies treated IF the way they treat other diseases. If we didn't have to pay 20-40 THOUSAND dollars to have the family that crack whores DO NOT want, it'd be different.

I did not want to do IVF. I also did not want to live with the regret of what if it worked.

You're totally normal and have every right to feel as scared and as slighted as you feel. It's not fair.