Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A little off topic

Okay, fist of all I want to thank all the new girls that have read my blog and made comments.
Larissa, did I thank you for that shout out? If not Thank You:)
It was especially great reading the comments from my last post. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I always thought that everyone just knows they are pregnant right from the time they concieve.

So my plan is this. I was going to wait until my bloodtest to find out about this month, but I think I will take a test on Saturday. I will be 11 dpo and 13 dptrigger. Even if it is too soon, if it's negative I can slowy get as okay with it as I'm going to get. Not to be pessimistic, but I just don't want to wait till 16 dpo only to get a call on Christmas Eve that I am not pregnant.

So a lot of stuff is going on in my life non fertility wise. This might get long but I feel like writing it out.

My grandmother died two months ago. I always had a pretty weird relationship with my dad's side of the family ( the ones that are still living). Basically my grandmother thought the world of my uncle and let us always know that him and his family come first. They live in Budapest ( as does all my family ) and as did my grandmother. My dad kept a relationship with them for God knows why. I basically cut them out of my lives when I was 16, but I did go and visit them occasionally.
My uncle is bacially the biggest slimeball in the world. Seriously, there are no English words that could quite describe hime. His life revolved around waiting for his parents to die and to push my dad out of the will. My grandfather was the most successful blacksmith in Budapest in his time and left his shop to my uncle, who proceeded to run it into the ground. The man hates work.
Well my dad flew back to Budapest on Friday for 2 days ( it's a 19 hour trip each way ) so he could be there when they read the will ( mandatory that he be there ).
Well, my grandmother left my uncle everything. 3 houses. 2 stores. Expensive painting, etc etc etc. My dad got a painting that they bought for 50 forints, which comes out to abou .25 cents.
All the things that belonged to my dads grandparents ( who loved my dad very much ) went to my uncle. Their house and all their belongings all went to my unlce. She told lies about my dad in the will that completely shocked us.
My grandmother also put into her will that she knows that legally my dad can sue for some part of the estate and that she asks my dad not to pursue this and give it to Ivan.
When I was 9 she told me all the rent from the 2 stores is going into a savings account for me. That money today would pay for about 10 IVF cycles, instead it's all my cousins.
My dad works like crazy. Gets up at 5 am and works until 6-8 p.m. on weekdays and puts in many hours weekends.( we also have a blacksmith shop).
My uncle ( who is 6 years younger then my dad ) never bothered to put any effort working.He worked a few hours a day, but basically mooched off my grandmother. He "retired" a couple years ago.
He sits on an absolute fortune now.
The whole things makes me sick. I could write a book on all the disgusting things my grandmother and uncle did to my dad.

Well, I guess I'll have to stop there. I have so much more to write about this, but I need to pick up my dad from the airport.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am SO sorry that your grandmother let you and your father down. It must be so hard on your dad...